Shabbat 129 - July 13, 21 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Can one desecrate Shabbat for a woman after childbirth and if so, how much after - 3 days? 7 days? 30 days? When is it considered the beginning of childbirth? The gemara discusses the danger of bloodletting and what one should do to prevent those potential dangers? Eating or drinking wine after was so important that Rav Nachman son of Yitzchak advised his student to engage in artifice in order to make sure one ate or drank. On what days of the week should one not bloodlet and what days of the month or on the calendar? what can be done with the umbilical cord and the placenta of Shabbat? What can be done to ensure the health of the newborn baby? This is derived from a verse describing the calamities that will befall the Jewish people in the days of destruction - what they will not be able to do then when a child is born is an indicator of what we are allowed to do even on Shabbat for a newborn.

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