Shabbat 127 - July 11, 19 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

The gemara gets into lots of details regarding how one can remove 4 or 5 baskets from the storage house in the case where it is needed for a mitzva - can one carry in out in many smaller utensils or only in 4 or 5 baskets. Can one carry that amount for each person tha tneeds the space or for all the guests? If for all the guests, can one person do all the moving or does each person move for oneself? The gemara discusses the importance of having guests. A list is brought by Rabbi Yochanan of the top 6 mitzvot. One of them is judging one's friend favorably. The gemara brings several stories of people who judged others favorably. The gemara then goes through each of the items mentioned in the mishna that can be carried out of the storage house - meaning it is not muktze and explains why it was mentioned if it was obvious or why it isn't considered muktze? 

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