Shabbat 126 - July 10, 18 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 126

Is the opinion in the mishna to allow putting a shutter in a window "in any case" allowing it even if it is not tied, as long as it is designated before Shabbat or does it also need to be tied? Rabbi Abba and Rabbi Yirmia debate this issue and each brings a tannaitic source to support their claim - one about a bolt dragging on the floor and one about a reed used as a bolt. Rabbi Yochanan holds like Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel about the reed used to lock the door and the gemara questions that based on another statement of Rabbi Yochanan that seems to disagree with Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel. Do we hold like Rabbi Eliezer or the rabbis in the mishna. Two approaches are brought. Does a cover of a utensil need a handle for it not to be considered muktze? Does it depend on what it is covering? The 18th chapter starts with a case of taking items out of a storage house in order to make space. How many can one remove? Under what conditions. Two different understandings of the mishna are brought. 

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