Shabbat 124 - July 8, 1 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 124

The gemara brings several mishnayot that discuss muktze items and there is a debate whether these mishnayot were taught before the leniencies regarding muktze were put into effect or not? A utensil that is designated for permitted actions on Shabbat and one that is designated for forbidden actions, in what situations can each of these be carried? What is Rabbi Nechemia's approach? Raba and Rava disagree about how to understand the debate between Rabbi Nechemia and tana kama. Broken utensils - can they be used on Shabbat and if so, how? There is a debate regarding this and within that there is a discussion about what types of broken utensils are they arguing about - ones that broke on Shabbat or before Shabbat? Is it an issue of nolad, something that didn't exist before Shabbat as it was part of a whole before Shabbat and now it is broken?  

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