Shabbat 122 - July 6, 14 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored in memory of Helen Glucksman, Chana Rachel bat Moshe Aharon Halevi z"l, beloved grandmother of our teacher, Lisa Septimus, from Malkie, Marcy, Rochelle, Sami and Gitta. 

When a non-Jew performs an act that a Jew is forbidden to do on Shabbat, can a Jew benefit from what the non-Jew did? On what does it depend? Is it only for a candle or items like that as one candle can be used for many people? Does it depend on whether the non-Jew knows the Jew? Can one carry an item that is generally used for forbidden purposes for its own sake (if one needs it for a permitted purpose)? If a door breaks on Shabbat or before Shabbat, can it be carried? Can one put it back in its place? Is there a difference between a door that is serving something that is attached to the ground or a door of a utensil? Why? Does the melacha of building include building utensils or not? 


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