Shabbat 121 - July 5, 13 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Dr. Robin Zeiger and Professor Jonathan Ben-Ezra in memory of Robin's mother Helen (Chana) Zeiger z"l, whose Yarzheit is today.

Does Rabbi Yosi really hold that it is a mitzva to go to the mikveh exactly at the time that one is able to go? If there is a fire in your house and a non-Jew comes to put out the fire, are you allowed to say anything to the non-Jew - to put it out, to stop putting it out? Can you hint to the fact that if the non-Jew puts it out, you will compensate him/her for their work? What about a child who goes to put out the fire? Does one have to prevent an child from sinning in general? Is the court commanded to do that? For what purposes can one carry a utensil in order to cover something? To cover a candle so it doesn't light the rafters on fire, to cover feces so a child doesn't touch them, to cover a scorpion so it doesn't bite. Why do we need to learn that we can cover the feces, can't we move it because a dog can eat it? Or because it is disgusting and one can move something that is disgusting, even if it's muktze. Can one kill bugs or creatures that can bite or endanger people? If so, according to Rabbi Shimon only or also according to Rabbi Yehuda? Does everyone agree? Is it only if it's done by way of walking and one steps on it?  

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