Shabbat 12

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated by Gitta Neufeld in honor of the daf yomi learners of Long Island and as a zechut for all the sick people. 

The gemaara continues to resolve the contradiction between two sources relating to a zav going out into the public domain wearing a pouch tied on to him - one says it is forbidden by Torah law and one by rabbinic. Does it matter if he is wearing it to keep his clothes from getting dirty? The gemara concludes that whether or not it is forbidden by rabbinic or Torah law is dependent on the debate Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon regarding a melacha she'aina tzricha l'egufa. Can one walk out wearing one's tefillin close to Shabbat? Why is it forbidden to remove lice from clothing on Shabbat- is it because one may kill them or because one needs good light and may come to move the candle (and then it would only be forbidden at night). Can one visit sick people on Shabbat? Can one ask for one's needs in Aramaic? Can one pray for sick people in Aramaic? Why would it matter? Are there circumstances where one is allowed to read by candlelight on Shabbat? 

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