Shabbat 118 - July 2, 10 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Emma Rinberg in memory of her beloved and much missed father Dr. Eric Glick, Yitzchak Nisan ben Yaacov z"l on his 30th yahrzeit and by Barbara Ashkenas in memory of her dear parents Edward and Evelyn Weinberger z"l who together taught her the beauty of learning Torah performing acts of kindness and giving Tzdakah. And in memory of Dr. Sandra Shimoff who devoted her life to Torah and Talmud study sponsored by her daughter and son in law Sharonna and Ozer Shuster and her grandchildren, Bentzi and Shiffy Shuster.

How many meals does one need to eat on Shabbat- three or four? The gemara grapples with the different approaches in light of different tannaitic sources. The gemara brings several statements to encourage people to keep the mitzva of eating three meals on Shabbat by promising rewards in this world or in the future. Why was all this necessary? There are rabbis that mention mitzvot they are keeping or customs that they do in a way that stands out from others who are either not keeping these laws or not as meticulously. 

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