Shabbat 117 - July 1, 9 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Rabbi Julie Danan in honor of Keren and Tim Carter. Mazal Tov on your 35th wedding anniversary, and with great appreciation to Keren for being such a wonderful and supportive Talmud chevruta. And by Ruth Leah Kahan in honor of Jessica Shklar. Wishing you a very happy birthday. I'm excited that we are sharing this journey and wish you a great year of learning ahead.

The gemara continues trying to figure out what question the rabbis asked Rabbi Yishmael, the son of Rabbi Yochanan ben Broka from our mishna (saving the case with the sefer Torah) on the case of flaying the hide of the animal on erev Pesach that falls on Shabbat. Several explanations are brought to explain what is an alleyway that is mefulash and not mefulash, mentioned in the mishna. One can save three meals with from the fire. Does it depend on what time of day – is it only the amount of meals still needed for that Shabbat or is one always allowed to save three meals worth? If food is not muktze and one is also allowed to carry it out to a space where carrying is allowed, why is it forbidden? The concern is that one will be worked up about losing one’s possessions and will come to put out the fire and therefore by limiting what is permitted, one will remember that it is Shabbat. Laws of meals on Shabbat including lechem mishne, using two loaves of bread, are derived from the manna in the desert.

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