Shabbat 115 - June 29, 7 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Shoshana and Moshe Halberstadt are sponsoring the daf learning in memory of Shoshana's father, AJ Kurtz, Avraham Yaakov ben Eliyakum v'Chana z'l on his 3rd yahrzeit.

If there is a fire, what types of sacred books would you be able to remove from your house in a case of a fire (|in a place without an eiruv)? Can one move sacred books that are translated? Do those books need to be buried? Rav Huna and Rav Chisda disagree regarding books that were translated. How do each of the opinions fit in with the mishna? The gemara brought sources to question Rav Huna's opinion. If there a difference between books that are written in ink and ones written with substances that don't last? What if the Torah had large portions erased an only 85 letters in the scroll - could one carry it out of the fire? On what is it dependent?

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