Shabbat 113 - June 27, 5 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 113

Today's daf is sponsored by Gitta Jaroslawicz Neufeld in memory of her father, Yosef Ben Menachem Mendel v’Pesha z"l and by Harriet Hartman in memory of her husband Moshe ben Yehuda Aryeh z"l on his first yahrzeit.

What kind of knot can be tied to a pail? What about to an animal and its eating trough? Can one fold laundry on Shabbat? Make one's bed? On what does it depend? The gemara extrapolates a verse in Isaiah relating to how one's behavior on Shabbat should be different than during the week in terms of dress, speech and walking. In the context of fancy clothing, the gemara sidetracks to discuss drashot from the book of Ruth relating to Ruth and Boaz's behavior in the story as well as allusions in the story to events that would happen in the future. 

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