Shabbat 11

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 11

Today's shiur is dedicated in memory of Sima bat Alter Avraham and Rachel z"l by her niece Debbie Schreiber. 

The gemara continues to bring a number of different statements made by Rava bar Mechasia in the name of Rav. The gemara then goes back to our mishna - does someone who learns Torah need to stop learning for prayer? For Shema? The mishna lists things that one can't do before Shabbat, like a tailor carrying his needles, lest he come to also do it after Shabbat. The gemara brings the mishna in Eruvin regarding domains and asks if it also relates to a karmelit - Abaye says yes and Rava says no - since a karmelit is already only rabbinic and the rabbis wouldn't make a rabbinic decree on a rabbinic decree. Several questions including one from our mishna are brought to question Rava. 

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