Shabbat 102 - June 16, 24 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 102

Today's daf is dedicated by Anoushka Adler in honor of her mother, Valerie Adler, a lover of Jewish learning and Jewish life, who has taken on studying the Daf. You are her biggest role model. And by Kay Weinberger in loving memory of her mother, Eva Redstone, Hava bat Chaim v'Sarah z"l, on her 20th Yahrzeit.

The mishna says if one threw an item four cubits Unwittingly and then remembered before it landed and a dog ate it as it fell or it fell into a fire and burned, one is not obligated. In order to be obligated to bring a sin offering, one must have begun and ended the act unwittingly. The connection between the cases in the mishna and what exactly the mishna is referring to is a subject of debate as it seems to combine two different issues and possibly contradict itself. There are several different ways to read the mishna. The twelfth chapter begins with building. Is there a requisite amount that one would be responsible for building? If not, why not? What is the significance of building something so small? And where in the building of the mishkan was there of something so small? When building with stones, the act that is considered building depends of whether it is the top, middle or bottom row of stones. Which actions are considered building and which are considered forbidden on account of striking the final blow? Which are a subject of debate?


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