Shabbat 101 - June 15, 23 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Dodi Lamm in memory of her father, Harav Moshe ben Meir Shmuel v’Perel, Rabbi Maurice Lamm z"l,w ho brought nechama to so many and continues to do so in these difficult times via his books. 

What is the law regarding a hanging mechitza (one that does not reach the ground)? In which cases do we view it as if it drops down to the ground and in which cases do we not allow that solution to be employed? Why? When the mishna mentioned boats that are tied to each other - what were they permitting? In what way did they need to be tied together - how strong a rope? 

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