Shabbat 10

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated in memory of Emanuel Plotker - Menachem Mendel ben Yechiel and Henya z"l by Candace Plotzker-Herman.

How should one dress for prayer? Does it depend on the situation? If one prays for a long time, is it a problem that it detracts from the time one should be learning? When is it considered that one started judgement and does not need to stop to pray mincha? Should one judge all day long? What time of day was the first meal eaten? Different categories of people ate at different specific times. Can one pray in a bathhouse? Under what circumstances? Why can't one greet a friend in the inner room of the bathhouse? Can one say the word "emunah" in a bathhouse? If one gives a gift to another, one should tell the friend. From where is this derived? One should not favor one child over another - learned out from Jacob who favored Joseph. One should settle in a newer developed city as there are less sins there- this is learned out from Tzoar and S'dom.

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