Pesachim 68 - January 28, 15 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 68 Today's Daf is sponsored by Dr. David and Mitzi Geffen, in memory of Rabbanit Sara Hene Rabinowitz Geffen on her 60th yarzeit. "From 1910 to 1970 her husband, Rav Tuvya Geffen ,was the Rabbi of Sherith Israel synagogue in Atlanta, where she served the community with great dedication, and brought up their 8 children in a life of love and learning. Six of her 18 grandchildren made Aliyah to Israel and her life and memory is an inspiration to the generations of her descendants in the US and Israel." And by Jessica Jobanek in honor of her mother Margaret Hadaway. "She is completing radiation treatment for breast cancer today. I hope for a continued Refuah Shleimah" And by Leora Kukin in honor of Tu Bishvat and in celebration of Jonathan’s and her 39th wedding anniversary. The gemara brings a number of sources that seem to contradict Rabbi Yochanan's statement that one who had a seminal emission is treated like a zav and cannot be in the two camps - shechina and levite. The gemara goes through the actions that are mentioned in the mishna that are either permitted to be done on Shabbat in the Temple and those that are not permitted. Since the gemara brings in verses from Isaiah 5:17 which reference which talk about the future and the reward that will be bestowed on the righteous people. Verses are explained to be referring to resurrection of the dead. The gemara discusses the mitzva of simcha on Yom Tov. How should one divide the day between eating and learning? Does it depend on which holiday it is?

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