Pesachim 55 - January 15, 2 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 55 In what way is Tisha B'av similar or different from Yom Kippur and from fasts that are instituted when there is a drought? How do the opinions regarding the debate in the mishna whether or not one can/should try to be like a Torah scholar and not work on Tisha B'av fit with their opinions on a groom on his wedding night saying shema? The mishna describes that in Judea and the Galilee there were different opinions regarding whether one could work on erev Pesach before midday. Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel argue about whether they also forbade at night. How does this mishna fit with the first mishna of the chapter that explained that it was only a custom? The mishna discusses according to those who permit working, is it only to continue work that was begun before erev Pesach? Is it only work needed for the holiday? There are certain professionals that can work - which ones? Why? The mishna adds other things that one can or can't do on erev Pesach relating to brooding hens, cleaning up animal dung, and bringing vessels to be repaired or bringing them back from being repaired.

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