Pesachim 49 - Shabbat January 9, 25 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's Daf is sponsored by Tzippy Wolkenfeld. Tzippy wishes a Refuah Shleimah for Yakira Leeba bat Sara Gita. "Thank you, dearest Kiki, for inspiring us and so many others to grow in learning, mitzvot, yirat shamayim and emunah. May you continue to grow stronger and stronger! Love Savta and Zaidy." When erev Pesach falls on Shabbat, when do you get rid of the chametz? If someone is on the way to do a mitzva and remembers they have chametz at home, do they need to go back or can they nullify it in their heart? On what does it depend? The mishna also brings a case of one who left Jerusalem carrying sanctified meat - depending on how far they are already from the city, do they need to go back to burn in on the Temple Mount? Is an engagement meal considered a mitzva? The gemara gets sidetracked into proper behavior - should scholars spend their time going to meals that aren't for a mitzva? As an example for a meal that is not a mitzva, the gemara mentions the engagement of a daughter of a kohen with an Israelite. Different statements are brought regarding whether a non-kohen should or should not marry the daughter of a kohen. There is also a discussion of what type of people one should marry and the value of the talmid chacham over the am haaretz. Also the hatred between those two groups of people is discussed. The mishna mentions the debate between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda regarding the size of chametz or sanctified meat that one needs to return for. Their opinions seem to contradict their opinions regarding the size needed to say the grace after meals, birkhat hamazon. How are these reconciled?

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