Pesachim 47 - January 7, 23 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 47 Today's daf is sponsored by Dena Levie in honor of Hadran "who make learning a daf a day so enjoyable and attainable. Thank you to Shuli Mishkin who always writes an interesting article delving into the history behind the Daf." And by Bethia Straus in memory of her father, Joseph Samuel Straus, Yosef Shmuel ben Binyamin z"l, on his yahrzeit. "My father dedicated his life to founding and supporting organizations that are dedicated to limud Torah both in Israel and in the United States. He would be delighted that I am learning the daf in concert with so many other women." And by Ronnie Sichel in honor of Rochel Cheifetz "who inspired me to join them in learning Daf Yomi with Hadran." The gemara brings several questions against Rav Chisda - is one permitted to bake/cook from Yom Tov to Shabbat on a Torah level - if so, why did one not be able to bake the showbread on Yom Tov that falls on erev Shabbat or the two breads that one makes on Shavuot? The gemara questions Raba from other sources that have cases where one does one act (or two) and can be liable for receiving multiple sets of lashes. On each list, there is an item that can be removed from the list based on laws of "ho'il," like plowing on Yom Tov, since it can be used for covering the blood, or making a fire to cook something forbidden to eat, since it can be used for cooking something permitted. Rava brings answers which are also questioned.

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