Pesachim 37 - December 28, 13 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 37 Today’s daf is sponsored with hakarat hatov to Hashem by Shalom and Tina Lamm to celebrate their new granddaughter, Mindl Hodaya (“Mindy”) born to their children, Ari & Shlomit Lamm. And by Yonatan Huber for a refuah shleima for Basmat bat Yardena and Shaul and Nissim ben Rosa and Machluf Malul.   What is "thick dough" that Beit Hillel permits on Pesach? What is the difference in terms of concern for the dough leavening between matza baking and the baking of the showbread? From the comparison, the gemara rejects the first explanation of "thick dough" and explains it being an issue of Yom Tov and not specifically Pesach. What is the difficulty with that explanation and how is it resolved? Can one make matza in different shapes or with shapes etched in? Can one distinguish between a baker and a homemaker? Can one distinguish between different people or different situations? The gemara deals with with different types of doughs that are not obligated in challa. Reish Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan disagree regarding dough make in a pot. The gemara raises questions on each approach and tries to resolve.  

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