Pesachim 27 - December 18, 3 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 27 Today's daf is sponsored by Rivkah Blutstein and Judah Bellin in honor of their mother and mother-in-law, Marcy Goldstein. "Your daily learning inspires both us to continue learning Daf Yomi as well. Sharing our first joint siyum together was a joy and we hope to share more siyumim together in the future! Happy Birthday!" And by Asher Rosen in honor of his wife’s birthday Yafit Fishbach."Yafit's daily daf learning brings much light and knowledge into our home. May god bless her with the strength and willingness to keep at it one day at a time." And by Sheindel Shapiro in memory of her father,  Reuven ben Tevye z"l, Rubin Bressler on his 30th yahrzeit this Chanukah. May his neshama have an aliyah. The gemara discusses a contradiction between two braitot - does one need to break an oven that was formed by a fire using wood that is forbidden to benefit from? The one who forbids use of the oven must hold that when two factors - one permitted and one forbidden - are used to create something, it is forbidden. Who is that? It must be Rabbi Eliezer and the gemara proceeds to find where it is clear from something Rabbi Eliezer holds that this is true. There is a debate between Abaye and others about whether a pot created by forbidden wood would be the same law as an oven or not? Shmuel taught the braita with the opinions of Rebbi and the rabbis holding opposite positions regarding bread baked from forbidden wood. Is it that he had a different version or did he switch them on purpose so people would now make a mistake about the law. Do the ends justify the means - as he "lied" in order to protect the law. According to the braita, if one baked the bread on the colas, all would permit the bread - what stage of the coals is this referring to - fiery red or dim? The gemara discusses each possibility. Rami bar Hama asked Rav Chisda if the same laws would apply for bread baked by wood that was sanctified. Why would there be a difference? Why would it not become unsanctified as soon as it was misused, meila? According to Rabbi Yehuda, chametz must be burned. The rabbis disagree. From where does Rabbi Yehuda try to prove it and how do the rabbis respond to his proofs? 

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