Pesachim 25 - December 16, 1 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 25 Today's daf is sponsored by Binny Shalev in memory of his mother, Nechi Shudovsky, Nacha Dvora bat Sarah Gitel v'Yossef z"l. The gemara brings a question against Abaye who holds that one will get lashes for benefitting from diverse kinds  even if used in an atypical manner. The question is raised from a braita that sets up a kal vachomer and diverse kinds are viewed as lenient - if Abaye was correct, it would be a stringency. Abaye answers the question. When does the prohibition to benefit from diverse kinds kick in - from planting, once they take root or only when they grow? One can use anything for medicinal purposes even if it forbidden to benefit from, if it is a life threatening situation, except for items used for idol worship. From where is this derived? There are three things that one must be willing to die for, rather than transgress - idol worship, murder and forbidden sexual relations. From where are these derived? Abaye and Rava disagree regarding a case where one benefits because one is forced to. The gemara describes four different possible scenarios (one can/cannot prevent it and one is intending/not intending to benefit) and determines that only in one of those scenarios do they disagree. How do their opinions correspond to the famous debate between Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yehuda regarding an act that one does without intent? 

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