Pesachim 21 - Shabbat December 12, 26 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is dedicated by Rella Feldman, Mindy Hecht and family in memory of our beloved husband, father and saba, Dr. Charles H. Feldman, Yitzchak Tzvi Ben Yaakov V’Leah z"l, on his 9th Yahrzeit. Our light was extinguished with his passing on the second night of Chanukah, but his legacy of dedication to family, integrity, love of learning and inner strength lives on for each of us. He would have been so proud of all of our family members who are involved in learning daf yomi and helping build Hadran. May his memory be a blessing. If one leaves wine that was truma that became disqualified in order to scatter for a good smell, one need be concerned that one will forget that it is disqualified truma and will drink it. Whether or not we are concerned about that is a subject of debate among tannaim. What if truma wine is spilling from the top of the wine press into a vat of impure chulin but the amount of chulin is 100 times the amount of truma at the top. In this case, there will not be a financial loss as the truma is nullified into the chulin. Therefore even Rabbi Yehoshua agrees that one would not be allowed to put the truma wine into impure vessels. The second chapter begins with a discussion of benefit from chametz - from what time is it forbidden to benefit from chametz on erev Pesach? If chametz is not yet forbidden can one sell to a gentile or give to one's animals - what is the potential concern? Does everyone agree that this is allowed despite the potential concern? From where do we derive that one is forbidden to benefit from chametz on Pesach - the Torah only wrote no eating. There are two approaches - Chizkiya learns it from a verse, Rabbi Avahu thinks that any time where the Torah says it is forbidden to eat, it includes benefit unless otherwise stated (as by neveila - a dead animal). The gemara brings two opinions where this halacha by neveila is derived from. 

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