Pesachim 18 - December 9, 23 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 18 There is a tannaitic debate on Pesachim 16a. According to Rabbi Yehuda, liquids pass on impurity by Torah law to everything, however the emoraim say that he changed his mind. About what did he change his mind? Did he say that liquids can't pass on impurity at all by Torah law or is it limited to food but not vessels? They try to prove it from the mishna Para 9:5, about waters of a red heifer (mei chatat) that are swallowed by an cow who is then slaughtered. Rabbi Yehuda rules leniently which seems to infer that he changed his opinion entirely. However two explanations are brought that explain his opinion is either not a leniency or because the liquid there is no longer considered a liquid. So there is no conclusion regarding Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbi Yosi who holds that liquids pass on impurity to other foods, holds like Rabbi Akiva his rabbi, who ruled that the word "will become impure" can be read also as "will pass on impurity." Rabbi Akiva learned from it that there is 3rd degree impurity also by non sacred items. From where to we derive that liquids only pass on impurity to foods by Torah law and not to other liquids and not to other vessels? Rava held that Rabbi Yosi did not hold like Rabbi Akiva, nor did Rabbi Akiva hold like Rabbi Yosi. 

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