Pesachim 17 - December 8, 22 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Betsy Mehlman in honor of Natalie Taylor. "Natalie, thank you for inspiring me to start learning Daf Yomi with Hadran. You are a true friend and I'm grateful for your encouragement and support during these uncertain times."  And by Bill Futornick in memory of his grandmother, Ruth Feiring Starace, Rivka Rachel bat Chaim Zvi z"l. And a refuah shlema of our One Week at a Time teacher, Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz, Tamara Blimah bat Gitah and her parents, Joseph Matityahu ben Tehilla, and Gita bat Sima, who are struggling with Covid-19. The gemara deals with different opinions regarding liquids and their ability to become impure or pass on impurity by Torah law. How if at all does this connect with Yosi ben Yoezer's opinion regarding the exemption for impurities in the Temple? Does his leniency relate to liquids in the slaughtering area (blood and water) or the liquids that went on the altar (wine, oil, blood and water for libations)? Rav and Levi each have two different versions of the mishna where Yosi ben Yoezer's opinion is brought. Rav Papa thinks that the whole exemption the Temple was a halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai. But the gemara raises several questions against his approach. Does Rabbi Yehuda hold that by Torah law, liquids can pass impurity on to vessels as it seems from the braita quoted in the previous page (Pesachim 16)?

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