Eruvin 99 - November 16, 29 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures I would like to dedicate this week's learning in memory of my grandmother Sonja Waschitz, Sara bat Yitzchak and Yenta Rachel z'l who passed away on Shabbat. Thank you, to the amazing Hadran Zoom and some local Hadran communities who got together to make a donation to Hadran in her name, and also specifically to Gitta Neufeld and Mark and Debbie Ziering who sponsored dapim in her name. My grandmother was a special woman who was incredibly resilient and rebuilt her life a number of times, beginning with her first move at age 14 leaving her parents behind in Vienna in 1939 and heading to America on her own, never to see her parents again. And today's daf is dedicated by Rebecca Schwarzmer for a refuah shelayma for her aunt, Debbie Ginsburg, Devorah bat Rachel v’Netanel haKohen. The mishna and gemara discuss various examples of being in one domain and moving something in a different domain. Is this permitted or not? On what does it depend?  

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