Eruvin 93 - November 10, 23 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Study Guide Eruvin 93 Abaye disagrees with those who said that the larger courtyard absorbs the inhabitants of the smaller courtyard as how can there be a barrier that connects rather than separates and therefore forbids (like planting near a vineyard? Various rabbis try to show Abaye that walls can connect/forbid in various situations but each time Abaye responds that the case isn't comparable. Rav Yehuda brings a case of encampments in large spaces shared like the courtyards discussed (walls seen from one side but not the other) - they are viewed as one whole unit if the outer ones can see walls when going into the inner one for the same logic as stated before that the larger courtyard absorbs the inhabitants of the smaller. Rav Chisda and Rav Mesharshia disagree about whether an embankment of 5 handbreadths can join with a wall of 5 and be considered a proper wall for laws of courtyards. A bratia is brought against Rav Chisda and three answers are brought. If the situation changes on Shabbat and a wall between courtyards is breached, does this prevent the inhabitants from carrying as they are now viewed as one whole, or can they rely on the fact that when Shabbat started, they were permitted and therefore also now. Can we learn the answer from our mishna? 

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