Eruvin 92 - November 9, 22 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Study Guide Eruvin 92 Today's daf is dedicated with gratitude to Hashem by Tina and Shalom Lamm to celebrate a new grandchild, Kedem Nachum Isaac, born to their children, Peninah and Eitan Kaplansky. The gemara questions Rabbi Yochanan's opinion regarding Rabbi Shimon based on a mishna. If there are two courtyards with a churva in between and one made an eruv and one didn't, can each of them carry to the churva or neither of them or both of them? The mishna discusses the case of a large roof opening up into a smaller one and the same for a courtyard. Why is it necessary to bring both cases? Some rabbis explained that the larger courtyard absorbs the residents of the smaller one but the smaller one does not absorb the larger one. They bring 5 different areas of halacha and explain the ramifications like giving a divorce document to a woman by placing it in the other courtyard or praying with nine people of the minyan in one space and one in the other, and other cases. Abaye disagrees with them on the basis that how can having a mechitza make the two areas seem closer? The rabbis try to disprove his logical argument.  

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