Eruvin 9 - August 18, 28 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 9

Today's daf is dedicated by Yael Asher in memory of her father, Elchanan Yosipuf ben Yeshua z"l on his yahrzeit. 

If a peg was hung on the outside of the alley and the beam attached to that, would it work? Does it depend on what one holds regarding the way the beam functions as an imaginary wall - if we view it as if the outer edge comes down or the inner edge? Rava thinks that either way it is a problem. Rava's opinion is questioned from a braita which discusses a beam that is drawn away or suspended. In order to resolve it, the gemara brings different explanations for the case in the braita. Is the space between posts permitted? Rabbi Zakai brought a braita which said both under the beam and between the posts is allowed and Rabbi Yochanan told him it was a problematic braita. Rava and Abaye disagree over which part of the braita Rabbi Yochanan thought was incorrect. Each brings a source to prove their position. Rava is questioned by another source and two potential answers are brought. If the post can be seen from the outside but not the inside, is it valid? Different answers are brought. One is questioned by the mishna regarding a smaller courtyard open into a larger one. And the gemara explains the case slightly differently in order to resolve the question.

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