Eruvin 86 - November 3, 16 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Study Guide Eruvin 86 Another week of our learning is dedicated for the refuah shleima of Eliahu Yonatan Ben Gittel Mira by Jeanne Klempner and Goody Weil.  We continue to pray for Eli's recovery and hope all of our learning will be a source of strength and to him and his family. According to Rabbi Yehuda, if the owner has some sort of hold on the property, even if someone else is living there, there is no need for an eruv. What type of hold is needed. in this context, a story is told about ben Bunios and his wealth and how the rabbis treated him with respect. Why is it important to respect the wealthy? If one leaves one's house for Shabbat, do they still need to be part of the eruv, and if not, they forbid the others from carrying? On what does it depend? Is there a difference between a Jew and a gentile? Rabbi Shimon says if one is going to one's daughter even in the same town, they do not forbid as clearly there are not going home. However, Rav infers that only one's daughter, but not one's son, due to the complicated nature of the relationship between a daughter-in-law and her in-laws. If there is a well between two courtyards, what is needed to allow each side to draw from their side of the well? Is the idea of viewing walls as imaginary walls that go do to the ground, allowed only where water is involved? Rabbi Sosi allows it for Sukka. Would he necessarily agree that it is allowed also for Shabbat. and if not, why in the case in Tzipori, in order to get a Torah to shul on Shabbat, they allowed it through walls that did not go all the way to the ground? The gemara suggests that maybe it was after his death and it was his son that permitted. 

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