Eruvin 84 - November 1, 14 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Study Guide Eruvin 84 Today's daf is dedicated by Debbie Ziering in loving memory of her mother, Evelyn Trotzky, Esther Chava bat Avraham z"l on her 23rd yahrtzeit. "A woman of quiet strength, grace and dignity, taken from us much too early." And for a refuah shleima of David ben Eidel. Rav and Shmuel disagree in a place that is accessible to one location by lowering down and the other by throwing - what is the law? To Rav, it is equally accessible to both and if they did not make a eruv with each other, meither can carry there. Shmuel holds that it is easier to access something by lowering than by throwing and therefore it is permitted for the one who it is accessible to by lowering. The gemara brings tannaitic sources, including our mishna, to try to prove who is right (two for each side) but each suggestion is rejected.

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