Eruvin 81 - October 29, 11 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by the Cohen, Raye and Maybaum families in honor of the 35th yahrzeit of their father Michael Maybaum, Michael Avraham Zerach z"l. "A very unique and special man who loved Torah learning and inspired his children on this path". And by Navah Levine in memory of my spouse Claudia Yellin (Tzivya bat Leah v' Woolf z"l), on her 3rd yahrzeit a beloved partner and mother, relative, therapist, and friend, who brought love and laughter into a complicated world. And by Nina Black in memory of her father, Sidney Black, Shlomo Nissan ben Yakov Reuven z"l, on his yahrzeit. "He was a good, kind man who would have been so pleased that his daughter is doing Daf Yomi." Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua disagree in the mishna about what can be used for eruv chatzerot. How does the gemara understand their disagreement? Rabbi Yehoshua does not allow slices on bread in order to decrease bad feelings between neighbors. The gemara asks several other details regarding these laws such as what if only a little piece was removed for challa for instance? What kinds of breads can be used - can one use lentil bread for instance? The gemara quotes a verse from Ezekiel Chapter 4 regarding a bread made from many different types of grains that was looked down upon as something for poor, desolate people - a sign of the impending destruction. If one wants to purchase one's share in the eruv and asks for the person to transfer them rights, if they only put money down, does that work? Are they in effect trying to do a purchase (and did not succeed as money does not create an acquisition) or were they just telling the person to be their messenger (which can be done). Is there a debate between Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis regarding whether or not in eruv chatzerot the principle applicable that we can transfer ownership to someone without their knowledge if it is good for them? Or do they agree?   

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