Eruvin 80 - October 10, 11 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 80 A week of Daf Yomi learning has been dedicated by Jeanne Klempner and Goody Weil for the refuah shleimah umehira of Eliahu Yonatan ben Gittel Mira. Yehi Ratzon that all of our learning from all over the world will help give our beloved Eli the strength to recover and return home in good health to his family and friends. Today's daf is  dedicated by Judy and Jerel Shapiro in memory of the 7th yahrzeit of their dear brother David Tychman, z"l and by Risa Tzohar in loving memory of her grandmother Rissel bat Deena v'Shmuel Lev z"l on her yahrtzeit. Does one need to give possession of the food to all other others in shituf mevoot? What about eruv techumim or eruv tavshilin? Can a woman join on behalf of her husband without his knowledge? Can a gentile woman rent out her husband's house? What if he is against joining? Can one be forced to pay into the expense of the post or crossbeam for the eruv? Can one use an Ashera tree (one used for idol worship) for the post or crossbeam? What happens if the food diminishes and doesn't have the requisite amount - does one need to add food? Does one need to tell the other members that one is adding on their behalf? On what does it depend? If a new person joins, do they need to be included with their knowledge or can one pass on rights to them without telling them? What is the minimum amount needed for the food?

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