Eruvin 8 - August 17, 27 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 8

Today's daf is dedicated by Becky Fryant in memory of her mother, Faina Fraynt z"l on her yahrzeit. She was a great teacher and supporter of women's learning. May her memory be for blessing.

Before they concluded that Rav Yehuda in the case of an alley that opened to a backyard did not disagree with Rav in the case of an alley that opened into a courtyard, there was an assumption that they disagreed. According to that original understanding, what was the debate between them in the case where an eruv was made and what was the disagreement in a case where there was no eruv? Is the case where the alley opens to a backyard which leads to the public domain, only permitted if the entrances to the public domain are not directly opposite each other? Does it matter is the alley opens into the middle of the backyard or can it open to its side? Does it matter if it is a backyard owned by an individual or by a few people? Where are there other cases where this distinction is made between private and multiple owners? The gemara asks why Rav taught the case about the alley opening into a courtyard where the courtyard members can carry within the courtyard, isn't that an explicit mishna where a small courtyard opens into a larger one. And even if one can distinguish between the cases, there is a Tosefta that also says the same thing even when many people use the courtyard to get from place to place? An alley designed with multiple exits, how does one fix it? If one wall juts out farther than the other, where does one place the beam? Can one use the space under the beam? There is a debate and the gemara brings three possible explanations of the debate between them. By the posts, no one disagrees. 

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