Eruvin 79 - October 27, 9 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Today’s daf is dedicated by Emma and Richard Rinberg and family in memory of Naftali Meir ben Harav Binyamin Dov and Emily Rickman on his first yahrzeit.  Naftali was 15 when he passed away, a beloved son,  grandson and brother. May his memory be blessed. And by Jeanne Klempner and Goody Weil for a refuah shleima for Eliyahu Yonatan ben Gitel Mira who is in critical condition and needs a refuah shleima. He is a high-tech executive whose previous experience as a Gemara rebbe shows through in his logic and sharp thinking. His wonderful family and many friends and colleagues all need him to get well. 

The gemara raises a contradiction between the mishna in Ohalot and our mishna regarding unspecified dirt or rocks that fill a space. Do we assume, they are there permanently or not? The gemara brings three explanations. If there is a board over the ditch or connecting two porches, what are the conditions needed to this to effectively connect the two sides and allow them to make an eruv? The mishna brings a case of a wall made of hay that is ten handbreadths tall. It is considered a barrier between two courtyards and one can even bring one's animal to eat from the hay, even if the wall may diminish in size which would then require an eruv between the two sides. In what way is one allowed to bring one's animals to eat? How does this work out with a different braita regarding a house between two courtyards with a large mound of hay in the middle? The gemara delves into all the details mentioned in that braita including comparison to eruv techumim, changes that occur over Shabbat and relinquishing of rights. The mishna discusses how exactly one does shituf mevoot. The gemara then brings various statements made by the elders of Pumbedita. What do these random halachot have to do with each other and with shituf mevoot

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