Eruvin 78 - October 26, 8 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


The gemara continues its discussion regarding objects that can make the wall more accessible - objects jutting out of the wall - do they need ladders - situated where? If the height of the wall is 19 or more than 20, how many items jutting out of the wall need to be there and at what height and position? If there is a beam in the public domain that is 10 high and 4x4 wide and is considered a private domain for purposes of carrying between it and the public domain, if there is a peg on top of it, does that limits its use and therefore its size and would it become an exempt space? There are different opinions about this. When one puts in a ladder - at what angle and at what height would it diminish the space (what would then be the necessary length of the ladder)? Rav Yosef asks Rabba a number of questions of cases where the ladder does not have a minimum of 4 but something else can help it to be as if it has four - would these work? He raises a number of different situations. If a ladder was made out of a tree (which is forbidden by rabbinic law to use of Shabbat) or an Ashera tree (which was used for idol worship and is forbidden to benefit from), is it considered that the courtyards are accessible to each other theoretically, even if not practically. Various opinions are brought. Does it connect to other similar debates regarding eruv techumim in a tree or in a grave, that is also forbidden to benefit from? If there is a ditch 10 high and 4x4 wide, that separates two courtyards, one cannot make an eruv together. What if it was filled with straw or dirt? Is there a difference between the two? Why? If there is a beam that connects the two sides, then one can make an eruv together or separately. 

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