Eruvin 72 - October 20, 2 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Study Guide Eruvin 72

Today's daf is dedicated for a refuah shleima for Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Harav Yaakov Zvi ben Liba. And by Dr. Robin Zeiger and Professor Jonathan Ben-Ezra in honor of the wedding today of their daughter Nechama. "Nechama- you have no idea how much joy you bring to your father when you send him a page of Gemara you are learning in class and say, 'Abba- I remember learning this sugya with you.'"

There is a debate how to understand the debate between rabbi Meir and the rabbis regarding one who either did joining of the alleyway or eruv of the courtyards - can one carry both between the courtyards and into the alleyway. Do they disagree only in the case where the joining of the alleyway was done with bread or only when it was done with wine? Do we hold like Rabbi Meir who is stringent? The mishna brings a debate between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel regarding five people who live in a large room that is sectioned off into five unique spaces. Is this viewed as one for purposes of doing an eruv with other people in the courtyard or not (do they all give one portion or 5 separate ones)? The gemara first brings four different explanations regarding the debate. What type of separation is there between the sections? Do they disagree in the case of walls that do not have halachic status as walls (less than 120 handbreadths) or walls that are 10 handbreadths but do not reach the ceiling or walls that reach the ceiling? The gemara then brings two other explanations regarding the debate - is the debate about where the eruv is placed - in their room or in another house in the courtyard? If a family lives in a courtyard each with one's own separate space, do they join the eruv with others in the courtyard as one or as individuals? On what does it depend - where they sleep, where they eat? If one lives in someone else's property, what determines whether or not they need to join the eruv separately. Does it depend on what type of space is the person sleeping in - if it is a place normally used for living or not?  


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