Eruvin 71 - October 19, 1 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 71

This month's shiurim are sponsored by Tamara Katz in honor of the yahrzeits of her grandparents,  Sarah bat Chaya v'Tzvi Hirsh and Meir Leib ben Esther v'Harav Yehoshua Zelig z"l.

The gemara brings a third source to question Rav Nachman’s opinion that one who inherits property on Shabbat can relinquish rights to the property. The gemara brings two answers. Ulla and Abaye disagree regarding relinquishing of rights on Shabbat. According, their opinions are shaped by the way they understand how the mechanism of relinquishing rights works – it is that the others are acquiring rights to the other’s property or is it that one is removing oneself from the property? If one has food in two separate partnerships with each courtyard that is next to him/her, can that serve as an eruv between them all? Or between some of them? There are three opinions. Does it depend on whether the partnerships are with the same food item? Does it need to all be in one utensil? Raba and Rav Yosef disagree about how to understand the root of the debate among the tannaim.

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