Eruvin 70 - October 18, 30 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 70

This week's shiurim are sponsored by Rabbi Fredda Cohen in honor of her grandchildren, Violet Noa and Remy Meyer, and their great grandmother bubbie Paula Cohen, on the occasion of her 88th birthday. Yom Huledet Sameach. Today's shiur is dedicated by Gary Zeitlin in honor of the 5th yahrzeit of Susan Zeitlin z"l, a "kanai" for her family and for yiddishkeit. And by Oren and Rachel Seliger in memory of Rifka Esther bat Sara Gittel and Yeshaya Halevi z"l on her 10th yahrzeit. She was always engaged in learning and went to weekly shiurim. She would be proud of her children learning daf yomi. 

The gemara continues to analyze the cases in the mishna of when relinquishing of rights is effective and when it is not. Abaye asks Rabba whether one needs to relinquish rights to everyone or is it enough to relinquish to one of the people who were part of the eruv? Rabba says one needs to do it to everyone. Abaye disagrees and questions Rabba from a braita and the gemara goes in depth into all the cases in the braita to explain them in general and in accordance with Rabba and Abaye. Rava asks Rav Nachman if one who inherits property on Shabbat can relinquish rights. Rav Nachman says yes, but adds that Shmuel disagrees. Rava brings several sources that seem to go against Rav Nachman. Two are brought in this daf and they are both resolved. 

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