Eruvin 68 - October 16, 28 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Today's shiur is dedicated in memory of Rana Samuels Ofran z"l on her yahrzeit by Erin Piateski. 

The gemara brings several cases where they had heated water before Shabbat for a baby for the brit milah and it spilled. In each case, they found a solution for how to get more water, either by carrying from a nearby courtyard, even though there was no eruv (by asking a gentile to move the water or by having someone relinquish rights) or by heating water for the mother if she was still considered in danger. Can one relinquish rights to another and then the other person can relinquish their rights back? Rav and Shmuel disagree about this. Is their debate connected to a tannitic debate? Is a Sadducee treated like a gentile for laws of eruv or like a Jew? There is a debate between Rabban Gamliel and the rabbis about this. 

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