Eruvin 60 - October 8, 20 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Today's daf is dedicated by Gary Zeitlin in honor or Dr. Earl Zeitlin. Happy birthday and gratitude for his many years as a tirelessly devoted neurologist, father and grandfather. And to Ellen Segal in honor of her 60th birthday with love from your children and grandchildren. Ema, your devotion to Limmud Daf Yomi fills us with pride and inspiration. Your example teaches us that we should always make time in our busy lives for Torah and for learning. May Hashem bless us all with many more years with you, full of health, growth, happiness, and Limmud Torah.

Is a ladder considered like a wall (even though one can get over the wall with a ladder, it is still a wall) or like an opening (since it is now accessible)? Do we rule leniently in each situation? The gemara brings questions against those who say we are lenient in every case. Rav Yosef asked Abaye to make an eruv for the city of Kakonia which was originally 'public' and now a 'private' city. which meant that he needed to leave a part out of the city. Rav Yosef said to make sure to do it in a way that you don't upset people. Because of that, Abaye thought and rethought the best way to do it until he reached the proper conclusion. In order to make an eruv techumim, one must be within 2,000 cubits at the start of Shabbat from the location of the eruv. The mishna brings a number of examples of this. If one makes an eruv in the 70 and 2/3 cubits around the city, it doesn't add anything. If one leaves that space and puts the eruv outside there, whatever one gains in that direction, one loses in the other direction. The gemara raises a contradiction to that line and then resolves it by describing two different scenarios. 

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