Eruvin 51 - September 29, 11 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 51

Today's daf is sponsored by Ari Welner for a refuah shleima for Chaim David ben Chana Zelda and Rivka bat Ita.
The mishna states that one who is on the way can point out a distant place and acquire residence there. Rava limits it to a case where one could potentially arrive there before Shabbat by running. How does Rava read the mishna according to his explanation? The gemara brings a case of Raba and Rav Yosef where Raba knew of a particular tree and Rav Yosef did not. Raba was able to acquire residence for both of them, based on the Tosefta. From where in the Torah is the measurement of 2,000 cubits derived? From where do Rabbi Chanina and the rabbis derive their opinions regarding the shape of the 2,000 cubit measurement – circular or square? Rav Nachman and Rav Chisda disagree regarding the debate between Rabbi Meir (only allowed for a poor person, i.e. one who is travelling and got stuck) and Rabbi Yehuda (even for a rich person, one who is at home)– are they arguing in a case where one says I want to acquire residence in the place that I am standing or in the case where one wants to acquire residence in a distance place. The gemara explain the different lines in the mishna according to each approach.

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