Eruvin 50 - Yom Kippur, September 28, 10 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Study Guide Eruvin 50

Today’s daf is dedicated by Gitta and David Neufeld in loving memory of Marvin Stokar, a"h Meir ben Aryeh Leib HaLevi on his first yahrzeit (Yom Kippur). Marvin was dedicated to his family and his learning, and was so proud of completing the Daf Yomi cycle. Like the postal service, he let nothing stand in his way! We miss our honorary Zaidy Marvin so much. May our learning be a zechut for him and תבדל לחיים טובים our precious Bubby Fran. And by Tova Kestenbaum in memory of her grandfather Refael Zeev ben Yisrael and Esther Feigel a”h who passed away during Neilah, Yom Kippur 5733. He, together with my grandmother, sacrificed so much to keep Shabbat, and to ensure that their children had a Torah education. They would be so proud to see so many generations continuing to make Torah values and study a part of their daily lives.

The gemara brings two versions of Raba explaining why Rav thinks that one who says “my shvita will be under a tree” didn’t succeed in doing anything. The second explanation is questioned based on a number of sources – from laws of tithing produce, animal tithes and the forty loaves of the thanksgiving offering. How wide is the space under the tree in the case of the mishna – 12 cubits or 8? Two braitot are brought – one which supports Rav and one which supports Shmuel.

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