Eruvin 49 - September 27, 9 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Study Guide Eruvin 49

This week's learning is sponsored by Leora and Marty Fineberg in memory of their mother and mother in law, Miriam Ruda Adler, z"l, Miriam Ruda bat Yitzchak and Chana Zissel on her second yahrzeit, which will take place on Yom Kippur. And by Medinah Korn in memory of her beloved teacher and mentor Rav Reuven Aberman, Harav Reuven ben Tzvi Aryeh ve-Rivka zt"l, on his fifth yahrzeit. He dedicated his life to advanced Torah study for women and inspired so many toward personal and halakhic integrity with his wisdom, caring and sense of humor. Yehi zichro baruch.

Rav and Shmuel disagree regarding their understanding of the debate between Rabbi Shimon and the rabbis in the three courtyards. The gemara brings a braita to strengthen Shmuel's position and also another similar halacha in the name of Shmuel regarding a courtyard situated in between two alleys. Other laws are quoted in the name of Shmuel regarding an eruv that is split or one in which one of the participants won't allow others to eat his food. Shmuel and Raba debate whether an eruv chatzerot works via kinyan, acquisition, or does it work by dira, it is as if they are all living in the same space. What are the halachic ramifications of the different approaches? One who is on the way and is not within 2,000 cubits of one's home - can one specify a location within 2,000 cubits on the way and designate that for shvita to allow he/she to arrive at home. On what does it depend? Are the 2,000 cubits measured as a circle or a square from one's location? Can only a poor person acquire shvita with one's body instead of food or also a rich person? The mishna says that if one who is on the way says "I want to acquire shvita under a particular tree" it is ineffective. Rav and Shmuel disagree about what the mishna means when it says it is ineffective.

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