Eruvin 47 - September 25, 7 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 47

Today's daf is dedicated by Heather Stone in memory of her mother, Ellie Stone, Esther Bina bat Rachel and Avraham HaLevi z"l. And by Ilana Mushkin in memory of her father, Rav Pinhas Shmuel Laderman z"l, on his fifth 5th yahrzeit on the 8th of Tishrei. My father was a well loved Rav, a social activist and a scholar who completed the Daf Yomi cycle 2.5 times. I learn every morning in his memory and am grateful for Hadran for enabling me to do so.

The gemara brings sources to prove from where Rav Mesharshia decided that we don't hold by the rules stated previosuly about who to hold like when various rabbis disagree. Each source is rejected and the gemara explains Rav Mesharshia in a different way. There is a debate regarding items that belong to a non Jew - do laws of techumim apply to them or not? How do these opinions relate to the debate regarding ownerless possessions (Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri and the rabbis)?

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