Eruvin 46 - September 24, 6 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 46

Today's daf is sponsored by Ranana Dine in honor of Rabbi Dan Ross. To a great chevruta - thank you for supporting my Torah learning and supporting the Torah learning of women everywhere. And to my grandmother, Sonja Waschitz on her 95th birthday who has always been a role model to me. Wishing her more years of good health. 

Why is rainwater that falls on Yom Tov not limited by laws of techumim even though they originated either in the ocean, which is outside the techum or from the clouds (does this mean that there are no laws of techumim above ten handbreadths)? Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi says both that we hold like Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri regarding a person who slept when Shabbat came in and also that we rule leniently when it comes to eruvin. Why was there a need to say both? When we are lenient in rabbinic laws, are we also lenient and hold like an individual even if he goes against the majority? They bring a number of examples that show that we do not rule leniently like an individual when he rules against the majority. What are rules of which rabbis we hold like when they disagree with others?

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