Eruvin 45 - September 23, 5 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber


Study Guide Eruvin 45

Today's daf is sponsored by Natalie Taylor in honor of Betsy Mehlman. Wishing you a year of health and hatzlacha and nachat from your children and grandchildren.

Does everyone agree that overlapping techumim works? How can the last line of the mishna - that one who leaves the techum for saving someone can go back home - in light of the first line of the mishna that one only acquires 2,000 cubits from the new place? And even if one can say they are dealing with differnet situations, there is still a contradiction with the mishna in Rosh Hashana that says 2,000 cubits for all situations. The gemara brings two possible solutions, according to one of them, the mishna is dealing with carrying and not techum and is referring to carrying weapons home. The gemara brings a braita which explains in details why they permitted it. One can desecrate Shabbat and go out to fight against some sieges but not all. On what does it depend? If one is travelling and reaches an area near the city before Shabbat but doesn't realize, is one considered as if one acquired the city for the purposes of techum, as if he/she would have known he/she was near the techum, he/she certainly would have wanted to be considered within the techum of the city - or does one actually need knowledge of it at the time. If one was asleep in a spot when Shabbat came in, can one acquire 2,000 cubits or does one need knowledge? Is the debate regarding this issue based on a debate about items that are ownerless, are they subject to laws of techumim or not? How can one prove that this is the debate between them? What is the status of rainwater? Is rainwater considered having come from out of the techum as it originates in the ocean?


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