Eruvin 43 - September 21, 3 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Eruvin 43

Today's daf is sponsored by Judi Felber in honor of Lynn Farber and the Ra'anana community. Thanks for helping us through yet another crisis. And by Joanna Rom and Rebecca Schwartzmer in memory of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a true tzadeket. She championed for the rights of women everywhere and loved knowledge and justice. May her memory be for a blessing and may her family be comforted.

Do Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Yehushua disagree in a case of a moving boat or only when the boat is stationary? Is the space ten handbreadths off the ground subject to laws of techumim or exempt? The gemara brings four sources to try to answer this question but are unable to conclude. Two are from cases of boats in our mishna as boats generally ride ten handbreadths off the ground. One is from a case of someone who "magically" went on Shabbat from Sura to Pumbedita - 100 kilometers - and the gemara first assumes it was Eliyahu who must have flown above ten handbreadths and therefore it must be allowed. However, the gemara suggests it could have been Yosef the demon which wouldn't teach us anything about the law. A final source is brought regarding one who says he will become a nazir on the day that the Messiah comes - he is allowed to drink wine on Shabbat as the Messiah will not come on Shabbat. First the gemara thinks this is because of techum, even above ten, but then explains that it is for a different reason. How did Rabban Gamliel in the mishna know that when they came on the boat and arrived after Shabbat started that they were within 2,000 cubits before Shabbat started? The braita explains that he has a measuring implement. The braita also mentions other measuring implements that were used at the time. A case happened where Nechemia left the techum by accident and Rav Hisda asked Rav Nachman how to help him and he suggested them make a human mechitza and he will be allowed to walk within those walls and come back into the techum



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