Eruvin 42 - September 20, 2 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated by Oren and Rachel Seliger in memory of Tzvi ben Aryeh (Zvi Seliger) husband, father, father in law, grand-father and great grand-father, שעלה בתרועה השמיימה one year ago, on א' תשרי תש"פ. He was a חוזר בתשובה who showed us all how to be dedicated to Torah and Mitzvot בשמחה. His way of life was an example to us all, and why all of his nearly 50 descendants are יראי שמיים and שומרי מצוות. May his memory be blessed. We miss you very much Abba/Sabba.

What is the law regarding fruits that left the techum that were then returned? Does is make a difference if they were returned intentionally or unwittingly? Rav Nachman and Rav Huna disagree about a case that one set his eruv in valley and on Shabbat non-Jews came and put up a wall around the valley - is one allowed to carry in the whole space or does one need to be concerned that one may also walk beyond the permitted limit if we allow carrying in the whole space (since one can still only walk 2,000 cubits from the original eruv)? Is this the same debate as between Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria and Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva regarding one who was placed in a pen or stable or one traveling in a boat who leaves the techum on Shabbat - is the issue there, do we forbid it in case one may think it's allowed in an unenclosed space - likewise here, do we forbid it in case one may carry in the forbidden space? Or are the situations and thus the issues different? Who do we hold by in the case of the mishna? 

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