Eruvin 41 - Shabbat, 1st day of Rosh Hashana, 1 Tishrei, September 19

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated anonymously in honor of our fearless leader and teacher Rabbanit Michelle Farber for her constant encouragement of our learning especially in the middle of Eruvin from all the women you inspire to learn daf yomi. Thank you!!

If Tisha B'av falls on erev Shabbat, does one finish fasting or does one eat before Shabbat starts so as not to enter Shabbat fasting? Two opinions are brought - one by Rabban Gamliel and one by Rabbi Yosi. Several tannaitic sources are brought to better understand the debate and see which position we hold by. If one leaves the techum on Shabbat, one can only walk within 4 cubits of where one is presently standing. Does it make a difference if the person left on their own or was removed by someone or something else? If one needs to go to the bathroom, does respect for one's body override laws of techum Shabbat? The gemara explains that there are three things that make people do things against their will and against that of God. What are they?

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